jeudi 8 août 2013

August ~ Meeting and organization

Hi gals' 

Sunday 4th of August, we had a meeting with Sweet Revenge's members.

We talked a lot about the circle, and important points are:
- Recruitment
- Organization of 1st year of the circle (birthday)
Intern organization 

Yes, you read that right; we will soon be a year of existence.  o(〃^▽^〃)o

We organize a day to celebrate this event with our friends and gaijin gyaru(o) we appreciate!
This will be Saturday, the 5th of October, and the place is still to be determined.
~>  The Event on Facebook.

We're lucky it was super nice that day
We enjoy to make lots of pictures ~

Finally, we remind the upcoming events we will be participe:

21th of september ~ Tokyo Kawai Crazy - Paris ~ Holly, Ethan & Eileen
5th of october ~ Sweet Revenge, 1 year - Lausanne ~ Holly, Ethan & Eileen

Thank you to read and support us ~
Don't forget our official Sweet Revenge Facebook page.
Have a nice summer !!!